Ok so it's been 2 weeks and we are still here, we can't leave and we now call this place home - we found a great palce to stay were the owners have welcomed us here with open arms. Every night they let us try some of the strangest and tasty meals - bitter wild mushrooms, pepper beans, pigs tongue, asian jelly, mini mangoes...you name it we have tried it! Also they have been teaching us to cook these wacky and wild dishes...as well as letting us cook whatever we like, it has been nice to have a kitchen. We also set up a little pancake stall one day outside the front and did a great job of cooking, advertising and... eating the pancakes! We learnt from scratch how to pick, cut open and remove the insides of a coconut. Much harder than you would imagine.
Half way through we were joined by Oli and George, two close friends from London, it was nice to have a familiar face about and we did some nights out on the beach drinking buckets and buckets literally :) We made a visit to the market and bought tones of prawns, squid and fish and cooked up a magnificent feast for us and the owners! As well as singing the night away with guitar and harmonicas in hand, we think they enjoyed it...
A few days were spent exploring the island on motorbikes - riding over dirt tracks to the national park where we were literally attacked by monkeys...they nicked our food and didn't like the look of Claud in particular...she ran for her life! The beach was worth it and the amazing view from the bar we stopped at on the way back was exceptionally stunning!
Sadly we had to say our goodbyes to Oli but George is still with us and we are chilling out here before heading off to Koh Pan Gnan to finish off our trip with a bang!
Last but not least Sophie has fallen madly in love with the owners chihuaha called 'Pizza', they are very rarely seen apart and Claudia is expressing some jealousy all ready... feel free to browse the pics on facebook to see the love blossoming!
See you soon!!